Oxfam Collects

Oxfam is a global humanitarian, development and campaigning organisation working with others to overcome poverty and suffering. Oxfam also has around 700 high street shops selling donated fashion, books, music, homewares and new ethical products.

Oxfam Collects

If your organisation wants to engage its employees in sustainability and environmental issues then Oxfam Collects can help. Oxfam Collects is a workplace scheme designed to make donating second hand items as hassle free as possible. Oxfam will resell, reuse or recycle unwanted items to raise money fighting poverty in poor communities around the world.


It’s simple really. Bring in your unwanted goods into the workplace, Oxfam will come and take them away, sell them in Oxfam shops and raise the money they need for projects.

• They provide: bags and marketing materials; collection of goods; effortless online sign-up to Gift Aid; and a dedicated Oxfam Collects manager

• You provide: a collection point in your office and a volunteer champion to spend a little time helping to run the scheme

The Good Stuff

The benefits are huge:

• For your employees, a chance to declutter and create genuine impact.

• For your organisation, reinforcement of your CSR values without adding to your workload.

• For Oxfam, much-needed cash to use in the fight against poverty.

Quantifiable Impact

Employees who’ve signed up to Gift Aid will receive a 6 monthly letter that shows the money raised from the sale of their donations – and the kinds of things the money is spent on. 

Poverty-busting and environmentally friendly

The money they raise from the sale of your employees’ donated goods is spent in many ways with one aim: to end poverty and suffering. By donating second hand goods this helps build a sustainable future by avoiding landfill and saving energy. Working together, they can do great things.

Main Contact Name: Sue Spencer
Main Contact Email: suespencer@oxfam.org.uk 
Further information/website: www.oxfam.org.uk
Share with us: www.twitter.com/oxfamgb www.facebook.com/oxfamGB

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