Leicester College

Leicester College has a strategic commitment to sustainable development. They have an active sustainability forum led by the Vice Principal Finance and Business Operations. This ensures that they get things done.

The Place to Learn

The College engages students through integrating sustainable development into the curriculum and through the activities of the People and Planet group. The group recently won the Young Persons category at the Leicester Green Life Awards for their hard work. Staff Development Day activities have included making bird boxes, cycling between campuses, making bags for life, Transition Leicester and Peak Oil, BTCV Organic Gardening, Leicestershire Wildlife Trust Nature Ramble, advice from the Green Doctor regarding making homes more energy efficient and a Green Clothes Exchange.

Reducing Carbon

Leicester College working with the Carbon Trust has invested over £200,000 within the last eighteen months by installing variable speed pumps, improving building insulation (thermal imaging of buildings), upgrading heating and lighting controls. This has reduced the carbon footprint by 317 tonnes with potential energy saving of 950,000kWh. The college also has a £1.2million 2 year plan of replacement boilers and a renewable energy installation of solar panels which will increase boiler efficiency to 94% and reduce energy consumption by 40%.

Green Travel Plan

The College is very aware of its impact on the environment and is keen to minimise any adverse effects. By encouraging a shift away from car usage by the introduction of Travel Plan initiatives, the College is making a positive contribution towards reducing noise and air pollution, and wider environmental problems. 

A variety of measures have been introduced that will enable and encourage students and staff to make a positive choice to use alternative means of transport for their journeys to and from college, and between campuses.

Sourcing Food Locally

The College wants to reduce its carbon footprint and food waste whilst simultaneously promoting Fairtrade products.

Leicester College promotes ethical procurement for food. Wherever possible food is sourced locally for the college’s restaurants, which operate at each of the three campuses in the city. At these college restaurants, fair trade products are actively promoted and sold.

The College recently hosted the launch of the Leicester Fairtrade City 5 year manifesto.

Main Contact Name: Roy Morgan-Wood, Sustainability Champion
Main Contact Email & Telephone: rmorgan-wood@lec.ac.uk and 0116 224 4128
Further information/website: www.leicestercollege.ac.uk
Share with us: www.twitter.com/leicestercoll www.facebook.com/leicestercollege

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