Higher Education Treaty for Rio+20

Rio+20 will bring together the largest gathering of Heads of State that the w...
Rio+20 will bring together the largest gathering of Heads of State that the world has ever seen. This UN meeting is to assess progress to date and to define new sustainable development governance frameworks and goals. It will provide an opportunity to re-affirm visions for a sustainable future; to reconfirm government and stakeholder commitments; as well as to re-energise the sustainability movement. The higher education sector has been highly visible on the road to Rio lobbying for the realignment of priorities, funding and activities to support sustainability.

A group of over 30 agencies, organisations and associations, including the EAUC, have come together to influence Rio + 20 dialogues. These stakeholders are rooted in different regions of the globe and actively engaged in sustainable development at the higher education level. The partnership, led by Copernicus Alliance with the support of UNU IAS and the International Association of Universities, has generated a Higher Education Treaty for Rio+20 (see below). This Treaty is one of a series of People's Treaties developed to influence Rio+20 but also to make visible commitments across various sectors (see below).

The EAUC has fed into the development of this Treaty, which will become an official Rio+20 document and will be cited as a voluntary commitment of civil society.

If your organisation, group or institution would like to become a signatory to this document please email office@copernicus-alliance.org.

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